Our hearts are here, in the Blue Ridge Mountains.....and the splendor that surrounds us inspires all our work.
Pottery of all shapes and sizes that are made naturally, steeped in smole and natural materials that create a soft, organic surface.
Strands of horse tail hair are delicately placed on a hot piece of pottery and the hair flashes, fusing smoke and patterns onto the piece.
We are trying new things all the time with our pottery and sculpture. Textures. Mixing new glazes and experiementing with layering them. Carving.
Stretching design to create something
truly unique.
You will see a wide variety of things in this section....
We hope you enjoy.
I reach into my outdoor kiln with long tongs, lift the glowing white-hot piece and place it into a fire-proof container full of leaves and pine comes and Voila--smokey metallic pieces of art!
Pottery & Sculpture
I paint with hot bee's wax, adding sap from a tree and natural colors to create a translucency, texture, and depth. You will love these!

I love the species of Africa, and paint to create awareness of these incredible beings, and to raise funds to
Save the Elephants.
Ten percent of painting sales are donated to
Save the Elephants.

Acrylic & Encaustic Paintings
Contact Us
See us at Galleries:
Meet the Team!

Our hearts are here, in the Blue Ridge Mountains.....and the splendor that surrounds us inspires all our work. The tangle of the vegetation, the towering trees, the sound of the waterfalls, and the smell of the air
......it inspires us, and spills into what we create.
Being surrounded by spectacular nature fuels our drive to create pieces in an earth-friendly way, using organic and natural materials to create something that reflects and respects the world around us.
80SIX Gallery
86 North Trade Street
Tryon, North Carolina
Tryon Painters &
Sculptors Gallery
75 North Trade Street
Tryon, North Carolina
362 Depot Studio
in the River Arts District
362Depot Street
Asheville, North Carolina